Brandon Believes Kelly’s Son Doesn’t Know The Bro-Code + KFIN Breakfast Club – Powered by Families Inc.

Kelly’s son enjoys his birthday lunch; but Brandon, not so much… Popular baby names that are starting to disappear. A man’s hands, feet, & elbows turn orange on carnivore diet. Man gets into a fight and his privates get stuck to the ground. Chris & Morgane Stapleton donate big to California wildfires. Jell Roll shows off his wheels to John Cena. Carrie Underwood gets emotional during American Idol promo. High Five: Hoxie Man wins $250K. KFIN Breakfast Club powered by Families Inc:
1) Doc Talk with Dr. Shane Speights – Reliability of at-home flu tests, can the carnivore diet turn you orange, & fat cells have a memory!
2) Rebecca Propst with Local MPACT – Cookies & Conversations – Benefiting families suffering from infant loss.
3) Derrick Anderson – Super Bowl Bash – Proceeds support Ag for Autism.
4) Jamie Jay – 100 Wrestling – Fundraiser for Wynne High School.
6) Wet Nose Wednesday w/ Dr. Kevin Reed & Vetcare – Is your cat on a carnivore diet?