A Country Star Is Arrested + Bed Bugs + KFIN Breakfast Club – Powered by Families Inc.

Wednesday January 24, 2023 – Cities with the most cases of bed bugs. Space Dunk Oreos. Chris Young arrested. Lainey Wilson on talking with a twang & staying humble. The panic attack that led to Hardy canceling shows. PETA wants to retire Punxsutawney Phil. High Five: Jonesboro Officer rescues child from frozen pond. Joining us today on the KFIN BREAKFAST CLUB:
Doc Talk with Dr. Shane Speights – Allergies, nose spray & why you shouldn’t skip breakfast.
Wet Nose Wednesday w/ Dr. Kevin Reed & VetCare – Treating fleas during winter & new drugs out for pet dermatitis and osteoporosis.
Rebecca Propst w/ Local MPACT – Cookies and Conversation.
Brian Arnold w/ JPD – Polar Plunge for Special Olympics.
Dr. Dana Watson w/ Families Inc – Seasonal Affective Disorder.